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Maps and Images

Writer: R. LennardR. Lennard

Week five of the Tech Savvy Writer posts. Today, we're covering maps and images.

Maps and can prove to be really helpful during the writing process. If you’re wanting to see the town or dungeon your characters are walking around in, or if you want something a bit more realistic than the character creator generator, this is for you.

As far as maps go, the One Page Dungeon generator has to be one of my favourites. In Rakemyst, I used this generator to come up with ideas for certain scenes involving Tania and the beings who wanted wormy dirt. There are some other really brilliant generators on, but this one is my favourite. I’ve also used this artists Medieval Fantasy City Generator to get ideas for the layout of towns.



Where can you find images to use on book covers, or for character or story inspiration? Pixabay has free images & royalty free stock, and Unsplash states that it is the internet’s source of freely usable images.

They will have similar sorts of images, although I’ve found that Unsplash has become my go to for stock images.


Stay tuned for next week, where we talk about cover creation.


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