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Some readers prefer trigger warnings, whilst others feel like they ruin the story. Here’s the best of both realms: hidden trigger warnings. Click on the title to expand and find out which warnings are for which books. Please be aware that there are spoilers within these warnings.

  • Active
    A term used to describe when a person’s Innarn manifested and they became aware of it.
  • Altoriae
    Protector of the Realm of Lissae. The role of Altoriae is traditionally a female role, although there has been one male. High powered Innarni, the Altoriae has the command of Lissae's armies in order to defend the Realm. Previous Altoriae’s have included Kay’imi, Muran Curtis and Jali Thorne, Fiona MacAde. Forces of nature cannot kill them. They must swear to uphold the seven duties of the Altoriae. They are: Protecting the Realm Protecting Ronah and its residents Calling Ronah’s residents to arms in times of need Teaching Ronah’s residents Maintaining peace on Ronah Ensuring that Ronah’s young remember their Elders pledges to the Altoriae Maintaining the Altoriae’s Handbook for the use of future Altoriae’s.
  • Blank
    A person who can’t use Innarn.
  • Bereni trees
    Trees that are grown to be used as building. The size and design of the tree can be controlled by an Innarni or by one of the sentient Islands.
  • Boon
    Something that is granted for a completed task or heroic deed.
  • Clans
    Family lines.
  • Crystals
    Different coloured Crystals do different things, and they are often installed in clusters in order to gain more power and last longer. Crystals are controlled by Innarni who specialise in Crystal Innarn, a form of Earth Innarn. White Crystals are used for communication. Black Crystals gather power. Orange Crystals connect currents to create fences. Crystal necklaces are given to young children and Blanks in order for them to manipulate the Crystals.
  • Crystal Video Screen
    Also called CSV, is similar to Earth’s televisions.
  • Crystal See and Speak Communications
    Also called CS&SC, or Crystal Send. Similar to Earth’s video telephones.
  • Curses
    Several curses are common on Lissae, including: Adeon’s fire By the Life of Lissae Ke’ra’s Flash Zoemer’s Rocks Rasshnae’s Floods Vebnah’s Breath Na’reh’s Ghosts Other curses from the Realms include: Tu’zar Tongue of a Ne’fora Fulin's ass Basalt chewing hemmit loving buzzard Cestoray Slime vattar Hanotqe Slime filled cedore
  • Dathae
  • Duties
    Ronah’s residents must swear to uphold five duties. The five duties are: Protect the Altoriae at all costs Assist the Altoriae in any way she asks Answer an Altoriae’s call without hesitation Ensure a safe place for the Altoriae to train Help to maintain peace amongst Ronah’s residents to the best of your abilities
  • Elders
    Those who have, through age and experience, managed to survive the Realms long enough to guide their people. They also act as advisors to the Mayor.
  • Elements
    Lissae has six main elements that Innarni can manipulate. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Plasma and Spirit.
  • Guardian
    The rank for the person who is in charge of training and caring for the Altoriae, and for Lissae. In cases of emergency, the Mayor and Elders defer to the Guardian.
  • Hekkor Mafae
    A book about Dark Beings that Jonathan is very uncomfortable in having on Lissae.
  • I bid thee well
    A traditional phrase when two or more people separate ways.
  • Innarn
    A predominately Elemental magic which is present in all Realms, to varying strengths. Innarn is split into three main groups, Dark, Grey and Light. Each variant of Innarn has its own specialties. See Elements for more information. There are also other disciplines of Innarn, including Animal, Crystal, Mental, Realm and Time.
  • Innarnian
    A person who can use Innarn.
  • Ketarr
  • Lissaen
    A person who lives on Lissae.
  • Lore teller
    An oral story teller who passes on information from previous generations. They are held in high regard by the general population, and are thought to be unable to lie.
  • Mayor
    The mayor of Ronah is the highest government official, with the Elders acting as advisors. Ronah’s current Mayor is Alan Pratt.
  • Neutral Realm
    A Realm where Innarn is impossible.
  • Patrol
    Any Innarni resident over 15 is required to help the Guardian and the Altoriae patrol the Realms to watch for any possible threats.
  • Rassu
    People who claim to be Innarni, but who use trap doors, sleight of hand and tricks to reproduce the effects of what a real Innarni could do.
  • Rezem
    A building inside a mound of earth. The size and design of the mound can be controlled by an Innarni or by one of the Shifting Islands.
  • Sephina silk
    Collected from silk worms that feast on the Darfionious Oak tree, which is only found in the Sephina Ranges. It is the warmest, softest, strongest fabric on Lissae, and there’s just something about it that makes it immune to fire and water Innarn.
  • Veti Cant
    Also referred to simply as Cant, is a sign language that used hands and facial expressions to communicate. It is often helpful when overcoming language barriers. There are variations for beings with more limbs, but the essentials of the Cant remained the same.
  • Wards
    Innarn shields designed to protect specific people or areas.
  • Xarits
    A Xarit is a special portal which enable travel to and from neighbouring Realms. There are only a handful of Realms that have xarits leading to them. Only one side of the xarit is a Realm where Innarn is possible, the other side is completely neutral.
  • Zhahyeem
    A phrase meaning 'be calm.'
  • Ziom
    The hardest metal in the Realms, found on Lissae. Used for the creation of housing frames, precious jewellery and weapons.
  • Innarn
    A predominately Elemental magic which is present in all Realms, to varying strengths. Innarn is split into three main groups, Dark, Grey and Light. Each variant of Innarn has its own specialties. See Elements for more information. There are also other disciplines of Innarn, including Animal, Crystal, Mental, Realm and Time. On Lissae, Children are tested by the Realm on their first day of school in order to determine their Innarn abilites and strenghts. Each child is crafted a braclet by the Realm to distinguish their abilities to their teachers so they can be placed in the appropriate classes.
  • Crystals
    Different coloured Crystals do different things, and they are often installed in clusters in order to gain more power and last longer. Crystals are controlled by Innarni who specialise in Crystal Innarn, a form of Earth Innarn. White Crystals are used for communication. Black Crystals gather power. Orange Crystals connect currents to create fences. Crystal necklaces are given to young children and Blanks in order for them to manipulate the Crystals.
  • Elements
    Lissae has six main elements that Innarni can manipulate. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Plasma and Spirit.
  • Healing
    Any Innarnian can use their Element to heal if they have trained in the art. Healers are Innarnians who have specalised in Healing Innarn. Others, like the Altoriae, are also able to heal, although it typically takes a lot of effort and often they can not heal themselves.
  • Innarni
    A person who can use Innarn.
  • Patrol
    Any Innarni resident over 15 is required to help the Guardian and the Altoriae patrol the Realms to watch for any possible threats.
  • Piggyback
    Mentally piggybacking is something that telepathic Innarni can do. It is a way of gathering information and listening into conversations. It can be stopped by strong mental shields.
  • Send/Sent
    The word used for telepathic communication between Innarni.
  • Shifting
    The Innarn art of mental teleportation from one space to another.
  • Shifting Islands
    The name for the group of Islands that travels around Lissae’s seas, seemingly on a whim. They are sentient beings who care for the residents who make them their home. See Akoren, Cantash, Ginorti, Innali, Rakemyst, Ronah and Talhan.
  • Akoren
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. Originally home to Lissae’s Deities, now it is inhabited by a few, select representatives of the races that came from the other Shifting Islands.
  • Cantash
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. He is home to the Daen’s.
  • Ginorti
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. He is home to the Satyrs.
  • Rakemyst
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. She is home to the Ilutri.
  • Ronah
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. She is home to a variety of races and the traditional home of the Altoriae. Traditionally, Ronah selects a being to be her spokesperson. Ronah is one of the six doorways to the Realms. Ronah also has duties to the Altoriae, which are: Ensuring a safe place for the Altoriae to live Ensuring a safe place for the Altoriae to train Maintaining Peace amongst the Residents to the best of her abilities Training the Altoriae if asked Guiding and Guarding the Altoriae when no Guardian is available.
  • Talhan
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae, and the only one to start with an all human population. He now accepts immigrants from all races on Lissae.
  • Vannali
    One of the Sentient Shifting Islands on Lissae. She is home to the Weavers.
  • Castle Bachelor
    The centre point of Ronah and the traditional home of the Altoriae, the Guardian and their respective families. The base of it was made up by a huge volcanic crater, one that had ceased its activity on Kay'imi command. This left incredible natural catacombs beneath the Castle that were mostly used for storage or the occasional prison cell. Merged with the top of the crater was a wall of plasma, with a doorknocker that boomed every time it was used. Windows of clear Air dotted the structure, and those inside could choose to darken or lighten them at will. A Bereni tree grew at the heart of the castle, making not only a secure place for the Altoriae to train, but a solid structure should the outer walls fail. The branches and leaves of the tree made up the majority of the rest of the castle, except for the top, which sprouted turrets of flame, and the floor of the second floor, which was made of blue-green water.
  • Immosa
    The final resting place for the souls of Warriors who left Lissae.
  • Ridden Hall
    The school on Ronah.
  • Sephina Ranges
    Home to the Darfionious Oak tree, which is only found in the Sephina Ranges.
  • Amaer
    A Grey desert Realm constantly under siege due to its closeness to Lissae. Dry, desolate and rocky, the landscape has been altered by the Kemmae. Amaer has also suffered an infestation of pteradiles that was subsiquently wiped out by the QAralide.
  • Azmine’s Ridge
    A place on Mid Canak which is close to the entry to Lissae.
  • Bantaris
    Home Realm of the Kemmae.
  • Canak-Maku
    A Grey Realm that is home to the Minotaurs.
  • Coqi
    A Dark Realm that makes your fears come true.
  • Gerhar
    Twin suns orbit the Grey Realm, making the foilage in the area closest to Lissae's gateway vary in colour from deep orange leaves to the yellow tree trunks. The forest around the gateway extends far into the Realm, and is home to creatures like the sareglui and the vitampit.
  • Karara
    A Realm that contains a xarit that leads to Xaviour.
  • Lefo
    A Grey Realm whose gateway from Lissae is a circle of standing stones in the middle of a craggy desert.
  • Lissae
    A Grey, Sentient Realm who is defended by the Altoriae. Comprised of six continents, seven Sentient Shifting Islands and multiple fixed islands, she is home to ten races. She is said to be a Mother Realm. There are two moons in her orbit.
  • Mafay
    A Realm home to fire breathing dragons.
  • Mid Canak
    A Grey Realm which is next to Lissae.
  • Neharn
    A desert Grey Realm with two suns.
  • Neutral Realm
    A Realm where Innarn is impossible.
  • Nine hells
    The name given to a particularly nasty set of nine Realms.
  • Planomest
    A sacred area on Rataeo that is used for rites and rituals. It has a labyrinth of tunnels and cave and is home to a large group of Metsari.
  • Rataeo
    A virtually uninhabited Dark Ice Realm, with a time speed double Lissae’s. It is home to the U’tan*. Most of the animals are relatively harmless, except for the Metsari* (* see entry for more details).
  • Realm
    See Realms.
  • Realms
    Planets which inhabit various parts of the multiverse on three main levels, Dark, Grey and Light. Although there can be many sub-levels and a mix of Dark and Grey, or Grey and Light within the same level. Dark Realms are places with little to no natural sunlight. Most light in these Realms are made by Innarn. Grey Realms are places with a similar amount of light to Lissae and Earth’s equator. Light realms are places where there is an abundance of natural light.
  • Spirit Realm
    A Realm that is found alongside Lissae, where the spirit or souls of the deceased go when their physical bodies are no longer needed.
  • Vennph
    A particularly Dark Realm that was home to the Wikkur and the Eni.
  • Xaviour
    A neutral Grey Realm where the preferred type of warning system is insects.
  • Yettara
    A Dark Realm that resides in perpetual darkness and is one of the few Realms that have a black sky. Its time speed is five times slower Lissae’s. It is sentient and feeds off any creature from the Light or Grey Realms who come to visit. Only the strongest creatures from the lighter Realms can survive. Any magic from a creature of the Light or Grey Realms that is performed here will be unlikely to succeed in doing anything but draining the being further. The prolonged stay of creature from the Light or Grey Realms on Yettara is guaranteed to end in death.
  • Deities
    Lissae has six deities who are said to have lived on Akoren. See: Adeon, Ke’ra, Na’reh, Rasshnae, Vebnah and Zoemer for more details.
  • Adeon
    The God of the Element Fire and husband of Ke‘ra.
  • Ke'ra
    God of the Element Plasma and husband of Adeon.
  • Na’reh
    Goddess of the Element Spirit and wife of Vebnah.
  • Rasshnae
    Goddess of the Element Water and wife of Zoemer.
  • Vebnah
    Goddess of the Element Air and wife of Na’reh.
  • Zoemer
    The God of the Element Earth and husband of Rasshnae.
  • Ahana
    A lone Innarni Ahana archer who is credited with the death Kay’imi. The Ahana are from a Light Realm, but not much more is known about them.
  • Anriluka
    A U’tan from Rataeo who is older than Lissae’s calendar and the being Shari must stop if she is to prove that she is the Altoriae. She has almost devoured Ronah’s entire population, before Muran Curtis’ Custodian banished her back to her home Realm.
  • Daen
    A short, fierce and loyal race with amazing control over the Fire Element.
  • Da’mar
    A humanoid race with lizard-like features that resides in the caves under Lissae. They lived by a warrior code that is difficult for other races to understand.
  • Deities
    Lissae has six deities who are said to have lived on Akoren. See: Adeon, Ke’ra, Na’reh, Rasshnae, Vebnah and Zoemer for more details.
  • Ducibus
    Robe wearing beings who guard the gateways between the Realms.
  • Eminlith
    Guardian to Kay’imi. She married the first Thorne, Timony, who arrived on Ronah. Eminilith’s ruby pendant has been passed down the Thorne Clan for generations.
  • Eni
    Malicious shape shifters, able to permanently assume the form of influential figures in order to summon others of their kind to possess the subjects they have gained. Seriously Dark beings, the Eni are not often seen out of the Dark Realms. The Eni mentally ‘piggyback’ their prey before assuming their form.
  • Ferah
    Humanoid beings with cat like features, including fur, tail, whiskers and claws.
  • Fiona MacAde
    The twelfth Altoriae. She took up the title in 3981 at ten years of age.
  • Guardian
    The rank for the person who is in charge of training and caring for the Altoriae, and for Lissae. In cases of emergency, the Mayor and Elders defer to the Guardian.
  • Hantra
    Earth spirits summoned by the Wisara. Unable to be controlled or stopped by the Shifting Islands as they were given bodies made out of the Earth. They are slow moving and persistent, their only goal to do what the summoner has told them to. The only way to kill a Hantra is to remove both arms before decapitating it. Raising the Hantra is taboo on any of the Shifting Islands.
  • Ilutri
    Winged humanoids from Lissae. They are usually found on Rakemyst, and are high level Innarni. They include some of the finest archers on the Realm.
  • Jali Thorne
    The tenth Altoriae. She held the title for three years.
  • Kay’imi
    The first Altoriae. She lived until she was 1217 years old, when she was killed by a lone Ahana archer.
  • Kemmae
    Originally from Bantaris, they are a race of malicious mischief makers who delight in moulding the earth of the Realm they inhabit to make it inhospitable to others. They are crab-like in appearance, standing between 2’ and 4’ tall and between 6’ and 8’ across, their pincers have a toxic coating which eats away at the flesh of humanoids.
  • Korvie
    A humanoid race from the Dark Realms who primarily uses Water Innarn.
  • Lissaen
    A person who lives on Lissae.
  • Muran Curtis
    The sixth Altoriae, and the only male to date. He was killed by Anriluka.
  • Q’Aralide
    A vicious Dark race who wielded Spirit, Earth, Plasma and Air Innarn. Approximately thirty feet tall, their social status depends more on their colour and abilities than anything else. Quite apart from their Innarni, their breath is something to watch out for, as it can strip the flesh and the life from someone in just one exhale.
  • Satyrs
    A humanoid race with legs and tail similar to a goat from Earth. They are usually found on Ginorti. They include some of the finest crack troops on the Realm.
  • U’sala
    A group of beings from all over the Realms who had banded together to protect the Realms from creatures who wished to change them for their own benefit. Currently led by Jeran Metasta Voutar, and his second in command is Yessna. The numbers of the U’sala varied because of the high turnover rate.
  • U’tan
    A race of extraordinarily powerful Innarn strategists who reside on Rataeo.
  • Weavers
    A strong Innarni race from Lissae. They reside on Innali and usually keep to themselves. They are regarded as one of the oldest races, and are often considered mythical beings as they rarely leave Innali or allow visitors.
  • Wikkur
    A race of tripedal Dark beings, both cunning and savage.
  • Wisara
    Wisara are primarily ocean dwelling beings whose bodies – although humanoid - look like the tangled roots of lotus flowers. Their ‘hair’ is the leaves of the lotus and the flowers act as adornments. Wisara can change form to a more traditional humanoid shape (as in eyes and skin and such) and inhabit land areas in either form. They move around as gypsies and trade between the continents and Islands of Lissae by walking the ocean beds. They are the perfect over-sea (or in this case, under-sea) merchants, as storms have little to no effect on them. Custom dictates that the Wisara are offered fish and bread and other items to restock their larder with by the towns they visit. As payment, the Wisara would tell the Tales of Lore. Only the Eldest of the Wisara was given the title of ‘Lore Keeper,’ although anyone could tell one of the tales.
  • Xanter
    A humanoid race from the Dark Realms which uses Fire Innarn.
  • Frito
    Small, bird like animal with wings similar to a dragonfly. They live their lives in the air, only returning to ground to lay their eggs or die.
  • Fulni
    An animal similar to Earth’s buffalo, but carnivorous and with two heads. The last fulni herd went extinct over 200 years ago. Their tails are attached to a major artery, and if the tail is removed, they will bleed out in seven seconds.
  • Metsari
    A small reptilian animal from Rataeo that spits poison to protect their territory. They also have a very eerie call, which sounds like a cross between a high-pitched whistle and a wolf howling. They usually live in packs of ten or more. There is a sacred area on Rataeo where the largest grouping of Metsari live, called Planomest. The only way to avoid the Metsari is to not touch the ground. When they feel vibrations through their bodies, they spit poison. The only cure for their poison is to lick it off.
  • Palon
    Native to Lissae, the palon is a small, six legged creature descended from wolves. They have soft fur and long tongues, with a preferred diet of insects.
  • Pteradiles
    Creatures that resemble feathered crocodiles and taste like chicken. Able to breed in plague-like numbers due to the large clutches of eggs and short hatching time. Has previously infested such Realms as Amaer before being wiped off the Realm by the Q'Aralide.
  • Sareglui
    Native to Gerhar, the sareglui are blind, but make up for their lack of vision with their exceptional sense of smell and hearing. Able to move upwards due to its snake like musculature, they have no legs and are covered in scales. Their blunt heads have overlarge nostrils, slitted eyes and ropey whiskers. Broad, flat teeth help it to mash its favoured diet of leaves and fungi. They are typically followed by the vitampit, who feast on creatures and beings who get close to the sareglui, acting as a defence system in a symbiotic relationship.
  • Sedolic
    Green scaly dog like animals with two large pincers at its front. A favoured food of the U’tan.
  • Shem’ar
    Native to Lissae, Shem’ar were small dragon-like creatures, no bigger than a large dog and about as intelligent as canines as well. Kept most often as familiars, guard creatures, messengers and family pets, shem’ar have soft, furry hides that come in almost any colour. Although incapable of Innarn or talking, owners of the shem’ar could communicate telepathically with the creatures, some of whom understand more than others.
  • Uallmi
    An insect whose noise can burst humanoid ear drums. They spit acid if anything over than their own kind gets close to them. They live in cave on Xaviour. One of the ways to tell if the uallmi are close is yellow slime. The best way to get past the uallmi is to cover yourself in their slime and move the same way they do.
  • Vitampit
    Native to Gerhar, these small insects travel in large swarms and deliver irritating, poisonous bites. Once a target is identified through a hive-mind, the swarm will seek out the target, intent only on draining all of the blood from their victim.
  • Buta sprouts
    Taste like ten day old socks, look similar to Earth’s baby beetroot.
  • Rutenberry
    The frosted dark purple skin of the rutenberry hides the chocolate-like fruit inside. It can be eaten raw, although the skin can be bitter. Skinned, mashed and cooked, it can be added into cakes, biscuits and other sweets, including drinks.
  • Soola
    A green leafy vegetable which can be eaten raw or cooked with butter, salt and herbs. Its musty taste can be improved by adding salt and a sprinkle of Innarn.

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